Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Ilumina el Mundo/Light the World

Monday, November 27, 2017

So first everyone go to Mormon,org and watch the new video cause it's sick!!  Now light the world.

So, i have like 0 time today but this week was very fast.  Cambios are tomorrow and idk if I'll stay or go... We'll see.  Priscila did not get baptized.   She is still looking for a house and very stressed.  Hector might go to Huancayo or no for a week.  We hope no.  He needs lots of help.  Oscar is the best!!! He will go to Mexico for work and when he gets back!  Baptism!!

I love Lince and I love this ward!!  This week Hno Alberto completed 2 years as a member so we had a nds (Note:  Not sure what that means.  He is great!!!!

My head feels in a thousand different places right now but I'm happy and it's getting hotter. 

Love ya'll!!!

On Thanksgiving I ate chifa haha (Note:  Chifa is food with a Chinese influence.)

celebrating my 11 months and my compis 9

Happy Christmas!

Hna Heurta



Masamorra/Purple Corn Pudding!!!

My converts daughters got baptized.  Mabel mom = daughters Sara and Elizabeth.  They moved so it was the elders baptism but really it was the lords lol

My one year celebrations.

My one year celebrations.

My una año.  My comp got me with egg and flour haha

Our census cooking.


pday de zona pizzzzza

This is a big vase!


The huaca )ruins = in the middle of the city haha peruuuuu


These were cambios haha I have not sent pics in one whole cambio woops

This is Mama Vilma she is an angel. and her son Tiago.  He is chucky hhaha

Wall art say what

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